Account Management

This guide outlines how to manage Lumeo accounts and workspaces.


To ..Do this ..
Create a new organization & account for individualsSee Signup section below
Create a new account for an organizationSee Signup section below
Get access to a organization workspaceAsk your Lumeo organization administrator to invite you via email, then see Accept Invite section below.
Invite a new user to an organization (for organization owners and managers)See Manager users section below
Upgrade a Lumeo Starter organization to a self-serve paid planSee Upgrade section here
Activate or upgrade a Lumeo Starter organization to a Core or Enterprise PlanSee Upgrade section here
Apply Core or Enterprise plan license codes obtained from a reseller or device bundleSee Upgrade section here


Create a new, free account by signing up at

This creates an account with your email, a new Starter organization (if your email has not been invited to an existing organization yet), and sets your account as the organization's owner & manager (see Role Based Access Control for more details on what these roles mean).

If you are an integrator setting up an account for your customer, you should have them signup for the account so that they are setup as the Organization's owner, and then invite you as a Manager.

If you are an end-user working with an integrator, you should signup for the account yourself, and then invite them as a Manager.

After creating a Starter organization, you can upgrade it, activate license codes or transfer billing responsibility to a reseller by following instructions under Upgrade organization below, to access paid features.



Email confirmation

Email confirmation.

Create a new organization after clicking on the verification link in your email, and signing in again.

Create a new organization after clicking on the verification link in your email, and signing in again.

Your new Lumeo organization workspace after logging in.

Your new Lumeo organization workspace after logging in.

Accept Invite

When an organization admin or manager invites you to to join the organization's workspace, invitees will receive an email as such.

Invitation Email

Invitation Email

Click the link in the email to accept an invite and create a new Lumeo account if you don't already have one. After you accept the invite, you will be added to the organization's workspace.

Click the link in the email to accept an invite and create a new Lumeo account if you don't already have one. After you accept the invite, you will be added to the organization's workspace.

Upgrade organization

A Starter organization can be upgraded to a paid plan by following these steps.

Plan typeUpgrade steps
Professional PlanIn Lumeo console, head to Settings -> Manage organization -> Change Plan
Core PlanIn Lumeo console, click Help (top right corner) -> Chat with support -> Activate or Upgrade plan -> Activate Core plan

Then provide a PO/Order Number or Add a credit card to upgrade. You can also provide a Reseller email instead to transfer Billing relationship to them.
Enterprise PlanIn Lumeo console, click Help (top right corner) -> Chat with support -> Activate or Upgrade plan -> Activate Enterprise plan

Then provide a PO/Order Number or Add a credit card to upgrade. You can also provide a Reseller email instead to transfer Billing relationship to them.
Enterprise Plan License codes obtained from Reseller or device bundleIn Lumeo console, click Help (top right corner) -> Chat with support -> Activate or Upgrade plan -> Activate a License code

See here for more details :

Manage users

Invite a user

Invite a new user to your organization's workspaces by heading to Settings -> Members -> Invite new member.

Invite a new member from Settings -> Member

Invite a new member from Settings -> Member

Then, assign the Organization Role or Workspace Role (learn more about roles here Role Based Access Control) you want them to have, and hit invite.

Enter email address, assign roles and click Invite button.

Enter email address, assign roles and click Invite button.

Manage Permissions

See Role Based Access Control

Setup Single Sign On

See Single Sign On (SSO) to setup and activate Single Sign on for your account.

Delete a user

Remove a user from your organization by going to Settings -> Members, click 3 dots to the right of the member name, and select Remove from organization.

Delete your organization

To delete your organization, you must contact us using the Help -> Chat with support option from the Lumeo console so that we can verify your request and take necessary actions to delete the organization and data from Lumeo.