Trigger an Event

Adds the specified event to the metadata stream for use by downstream nodes.


The Event node inserts a user defined event into the metadata, to be used by downstream nodes such as Publish to Lumeo Dashboard or Create Search Index.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs: 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Outputs: 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata: Event Metadata


enabledEnable or disable the node.booleantrueYes
event_typeEvent type to add to metadata. Can be used by downstream nodes to index clips, publish to Lumeo Dashboard etc.string``Yes
event_descriptionEvent description to add to metadata. Accepts templates. Optional.text``No
event_triggerTrigger the event when this condition evaluates to true.trigger-condition``Yes
trigger_modeTrigger mode. Options: exact, fixed. exact triggers for as long as trigger condition is true. fixed triggers for the defined minimum duration once the trigger condition is met.enumexactYes
trigger_durationMinimum event duration in seconds. 0 implies 1 frame. Conditional on trigger_mode set to fixed.float0Yes

Event Description Template

event_description uses Jinja2 Template Syntax for customizing the body of the Event description.

Variables available to the template:

deployment_idDeployment ID.
deployment_nameDeployment Name.
application_idApplication ID.
application_nameApplication Name.
gateway_idGateway ID.
gateway_nameGateway Name.
node_idNode ID.
meta.nodesNode metadata.
meta.objectsObject metadata.
meta.custom_propertyCustom properties inserted using a Custom function.


Static text content:

Fire was detected in the parking lot

Insert description from an existing node:

{{ nodes.annotate_line_counter1.lines.line1.dir1_objects_crossed_delta }} cars crossed the line
{{ nodes.claude1.rois.polygon1.label }}



    "nodes": {
        "[node_id]": {
            "event_delta": 1,
            "event_state": 1,
            "event": "illegal_right_turn",
            "event_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
            "event_description": "The white SUV made a right turn at the intersection"


node_idThis node's ID. Format: eventX ex. event1
event_delta1 if the event_state changed from previous frame to this frame.
event_stateCurrent state of event : 0 (inactive) or 1 (active).
eventUser-defined event type.
event_idUUID for the event.
event_descriptionEvent description. String or Null.