Trigger Rhombus Event

Trigger an analytics event in Rhombus


This node triggers an Event in Rhombus based on specified trigger conditions. This event can be used to build generate alerts, review incidents and more.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs : 1, Media Format : Raw Video
  • Outputs : 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata : None


triggerSend an event when this condition evaluates to true. The trigger expression must be a valid Dot-notation expression that operates on Pipeline Metadata. Example: nodes.annotate_motion1.rois.fullframe.motiontrigger-conditionnullYes
intervalMinimum time between consecutive events in secondsfloat0Yes
rhombus_api_keyRhombus API keystringnullYes
event_nameActivity display name that shows up in Rhombus console. Max. length of 32 characters.stringnullYes
event_descriptionActivity description that shows up in Rhombus console. Max. length of 100 characters. Accepts templates.textnullYes
event_colorEvent color. Options: Blue (BLUE), Red (RED), Purple (PURPLE), Tan (TAN), Orange (ORANGE), Teal (TEAL), Gray (GRAY), Black (BLACK)enumredNo
send_bounding_boxesSend object bounding boxes to RhombusboolfalseNo
bounding_box_object_filterIf specified, sends Bounding boxes only from selected objects to Rhombus. Leave blank to send bounding boxes for all objects. Only applies when send_bounding_boxes is true. Example: nodes.annotate_line_counter1.lines.*.cur_dir1_objectsmetadata-listnullNo
source_node_idOverride the video source node used to determine event-camera associationnodenullNo

Event Description Template

event_description uses Jinja2 Template Syntax for customizing the body of the Event description sent to Rhombus.

Variables available to the template:

deployment_idDeployment ID.
deployment_nameDeployment Name.
application_idApplication ID.
application_nameApplication Name.
gateway_idGateway ID.
gateway_nameGateway Name.
node_idNode ID.
meta.nodesNode metadata.
meta.objectsObject metadata.
meta.custom_propertyCustom properties inserted using a Custom function.


Static text content:

Fire was detected in the parking lot

Insert description from an existing node:

{{ nodes.gpt1.fullframe.label }}


Metadata PropertyDescription

Rhombus Configuration

To configure a Rhombus camera as a source, follow these steps :

  1. Generate a Secure Raw Stream for the Rhombus camera :
  2. Create a new Stream in Lumeo console's Streams section with this URL, and assign it to the local Gateway that is co-located with the Camera.

The current Lumeo-Rhombus integration requires a local gateway present on-site to process the Secure Raw Streams from Rhombus cameras. Alternatively, you can setup port forwarding to expose the Secure Raw Stream port (80) publicly on your router, to access it from a Lumeo Cloud gateway.