Advanced Data Access
Advanced Data Access is a collection of capabilities that makes it possible to access Lumeo Dashboard data using SQL.
Lumeo can publish video analytics data to a variety of sources, one of which is the Lumeo Dashboards. Advanced Data Access is an add-on feature that enables you to query this data using SQL.
To enable Advanced Data Access on your workspace, contact support. Once enabled, you will be provided with credentials and connection information for the SQL interface.
ADA exposes video analytics data through 3 tables, the schema and details for each are provided below.
This table contains information for each Event generated using Trigger an Event or Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node.
Column name | Data Type | Required | Description | Example |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Yes | UTC Time when this event was generated. | 2024-08-28T18:30:20.231Z |
application_id | STRING | Yes | Lumeo Workspace / Application ID | 6e043c79-dde0-47c7-a145-14847db15963 |
source_id | STRING | No | Video Source ID | b69f37dc-d2d4-4452-a17d-cfa1d58f3e7f |
source_type | STRING | No | Video Source Type | live , file |
source_name | STRING | No | Video Source Name | Stadium Club PTZ LPR |
deployment_id | STRING | No | Deployment ID | af8abcc0-0f77-4ba3-8b38-8f6bd8a7b525 |
deployment_name | STRING | No | Deployment Name | ISCWest-2023- right-Pipeline p4rq0z – Loitering Detection |
gateway_id | STRING | No | Gateway ID | 49a13e9c-02f9-41e7-852a-26b16d9484d4 |
gateway_name | STRING | No | Gateway Name | Jetson AGX - Stadium |
pipeline_id | STRING | No | Pipeline ID | d73e9fd1-631d-40b7-8954-1ef7936c6063 |
pipeline_name | STRING | No | Pipeline Name | Loitering Detection |
node_id | STRING | No | Node ID that generated the event | publish_metrics1 |
node_type | STRING | No | Node type that generated the event | publish_metrics |
event_type | STRING | No | Event Type as specified in the Node properties | loitering |
metrics_tag | STRING | No | Metrics tag if specified in Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node |
This table contains node metadata from various nodes such as Line Crossing Counter, Occupancy Monitor, Presence Monitor, etc. published using the Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node.
Column name | Data Type | Required | Description | Example |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Yes | UTC Time when this record was generated. | 2024-08-28T18:30:20.231Z |
application_id | STRING | Yes | Lumeo Workspace / Application ID | 6e043c79-dde0-47c7-a145-14847db15963 |
source_id | STRING | Yes | Video Source ID | b69f37dc-d2d4-4452-a17d-cfa1d58f3e7f |
source_type | STRING | Yes | Video Source Type | live , file |
source_name | STRING | Yes | Video Source Name | Stadium Club PTZ LPR |
deployment_id | STRING | Yes | Deployment ID | af8abcc0-0f77-4ba3-8b38-8f6bd8a7b525 |
deployment_name | STRING | Yes | Deployment Name | ISCWest-2023- right-Pipeline p4rq0z – Loitering Detection |
gateway_id | STRING | Yes | Gateway ID | 49a13e9c-02f9-41e7-852a-26b16d9484d4 |
gateway_name | STRING | Yes | Gateway Name | Jetson AGX - Stadium |
pipeline_id | STRING | Yes | Pipeline ID | d73e9fd1-631d-40b7-8954-1ef7936c6063 |
pipeline_name | STRING | Yes | Pipeline Name | People Counting Line |
node_id | STRING | No | Node ID that generated the event | annotate_line_counter1 |
node_type | STRING | No | Node type that generated the event | annotate_line_counter |
node_meta | JSON | No | Node metadata, specific to the publishing node. | { "dir1_label":"dir1", "dir1_objects_crossed_delta":1, "dir2_label":"dir2", "dir2_objects_crossed_delta":0, "line_label":"bridge", "total_objects_crossed_delta":1 } |
line_label | STRING | No | For any node that has metadata associated with a line, this contains the corresponding line label | bridge |
roi_label | STRING | No | For any node that has metadata associated with a ROI, this contains the corresponding ROI label | |
metrics_tag | STRING | No | Metrics tag if specified in Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node |
This table contains metadata from any Objects that were published using Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node.
Column name | Data Type | Required | Description | Example |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Yes | UTC Time when this record was generated. | 2024-08-28T18:30:20.231Z |
application_id | STRING | Yes | Lumeo Workspace / Application ID | 6e043c79-dde0-47c7-a145-14847db15963 |
source_id | STRING | Yes | Video Source ID | b69f37dc-d2d4-4452-a17d-cfa1d58f3e7f |
source_type | STRING | Yes | Video Source Type | live , file |
source_name | STRING | Yes | Video Source Name | Stadium Club PTZ LPR |
deployment_id | STRING | Yes | Deployment ID | af8abcc0-0f77-4ba3-8b38-8f6bd8a7b525 |
deployment_name | STRING | Yes | Deployment Name | ISCWest-2023- right-Pipeline p4rq0z – Loitering Detection |
gateway_id | STRING | Yes | Gateway ID | 49a13e9c-02f9-41e7-852a-26b16d9484d4 |
gateway_name | STRING | Yes | Gateway Name | Jetson AGX - Stadium |
pipeline_id | STRING | Yes | Pipeline ID | d73e9fd1-631d-40b7-8954-1ef7936c6063 |
pipeline_name | STRING | Yes | Pipeline Name | People Counting Line |
node_id | STRING | No | Node ID that generated the object metadata | annotate_line_counter1 |
node_type | STRING | No | Node type that generated the object metadata | annotate_line_counter |
object_id | STRING | No | A unique identifier assigned to an object (unique in the context of the deployment) | 542269355178609087 |
object_label | STRING | No | Object label | face |
object_class | INT32 | No | Numerical class assigned to this object label | 0 |
object_attributes | STRING | No | Comma separated list of object attributes, if any | male,18-20 |
metrics_tag | STRING | No | Metrics tag if specified in Publish to Lumeo Dashboard node |
Updated 6 months ago