Track Attributes

Tracks attributes of objects and persists them across frames.


This node tracks the specified attributes for objects in the video. It can keep, remove or persist attributes from objects after they are seen for a certain duration. Use it to smoothen out object attributes when detections are intermittent.

Requires a AI Model Node before it in order to function properly. Having a Track Objects Node before is required if using Object Match Patterns else you can place it after the Merge Objects node.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs : 1, Media Format : Raw Video
  • Outputs : 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata : Filtered Objects Information


object_typesIf specified, only process objects of these types. Leave blank to process all objects. ex. car,person,car.redmodel-labelnullfalse
object_match_patternsModify objects with IDs specified in the metadata attribute(s) defined by this pattern. Requires tracker prior to this node. ex. nodes...*.cur_dir1_objectsmetadata-listnullfalse
tracked_attributesKeep/remove the specified attributes from object after they are seen/not seen for a certain duration. Format: <attribute> (specific attribute) or * (all attributes). Ex. wrong_direction,object_of_intereststringnulltrue
min_presence_secsOnly process objects/attributes that have been seen for at least this duration.float0false
attribute_buffer_secsKeep the Tracked attributes on a object until they are not seen for this duration.float0false
object_history_durationRemember objects for this duration after they are last seen in case they reappear.float600false


Metadata PropertyDescription
objects[].attributes[]Attributes of objects (added by the Model Inference Node ) are modified by this node