Answers to frequently asked questions
If a custom model is uploaded, is the customer the legal owner of that model (intellectual property) or will Lumeo be able to access and use that model?
Per Lumeo's Terms of Service Section 9, you own rights to any content (models, video clips and snapshots, etc) that you upload to Lumeo cloud, but you do grant Lumeo a license to store, host, transfer, etc. the content for providing you with the service and to aggregate data about the content to improve our service to you.
For clarity, we do not use / re-use your models outside your account, nor train our models on your data unless you explicitly opt-in to do so.
An excerpt from our TOS:
Certain features of the Service may permit users to upload or input content to the Service, including photos, video, images, folders, data, text, and other types of works (“Customer Materials”). You retain any copyright and other proprietary rights that you may hold in the Customer Materials that you post to the Service or otherwise make available to Lumeo.
Limited License Grant to Lumeo. By providing Customer Materials to or via the Service, you grant Lumeo a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully-paid, fully-transferable right and license (with the right to sublicense) to host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, modify for the purpose of formatting for display, and distribute your Customer Materials, in whole or in part, in any media formats and through any media channels now known or hereafter developed (a) for the purpose of exercising Lumeo’s rights and performing its obligations under these Terms and (b) in perpetuity, in an aggregated form that does not identify you as the source thereof, for Lumeo’s business purposes, including to develop and improve Lumeo’s and its affiliates’ products and services.
Can a partner "commercialize" or sell their custom analytic model to Lumeo for them to add to Lumeo's model library?
Yes, absolutely. We do partner with other companies to offer their models via our analytics library. Such models are priced by the partner and sold as an add-on to a Lumeo subscription.
What happens when Annual licenses expire? Is there a Grace period or is the service cut off immediately?
When your licenses expire,
- any analytics deployed on those streams stop working within 24 hrs.
- all configuration and settings are preserved in your account, to be reapplied when the licenses are renewed.
- any dashboard data and event recordings stored in Lumeo cloud are retained for 30 days before being permanently deleted.
For customers on a self-serve/direct-billed or reseller-billed plan, renewals are automatic and you will be billed automatically for a new period in advance.
For customers who activate a plan using license codes from a reseller, the service will be cut off immediately when the license expires. However, Lumeo will send periodic email alerts and show an in-console banner, starting 3 months prior to the expiration, to provide enough time for a new set of license codes to be obtained and applied to the account. New license codes extend the validity of your current codes so you do not lose any time by renewing early.
Software features
When can we expect a pure On-Prem/air-gapped version of the platform for customers with internet restrictions on surveillance networks?
First, most hardware that Lumeo AI Gateway is deployed on supports dual-nic setups. This lets you connect one NIC to the air-gapped camera network and another to an internet-enabled network, to preserve the security of the camera network while benefiting from the rapid deployment, monitoring and visibility provided by internet connectivity to Lumeo cloud.
Additionally, Lumeo AI Gateway software is designed to continue to operate without cloud connectivity after configuration, for a short duration of time. We call this intermittent-connectivity operation, and in this mode, once an analytic is deployed and running, it will continue to do so even when cloud connectivity is lost for short durations.
However, we do recognize use cases where complete a offline operation is desired; this is something we are working on but do not have a public ETA to announce yet.
Updated 18 days ago