Receive HTTP Webhook

Inserts metadata from HTTP requests' JSON bodies or URL query parameters.


Receive HTTP Webhook node inserts metadata from received HTTP requests into frame metadata.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs : 1, Media Format : Any
  • Outputs : 1, Media Format: Same as Input
  • Output Metadata : See below.


path_keyThis key will determine the URL to which HTTP requests can be sent. It should not contain slashes. Use GET requests to insert metadata from URL query parameters, e.g. ?door_open=1&additional_arg=value, or POST requests to insert metadata from JSON bodies, e.g. { "door_open": 1, "additional_arg": "value" }. Note that URL query parameters are ignored in POST requests. The base URL template for your request is http://<gateway_ip>:3003/v1/webhooks/<path_key>, e.g. if your gateway's IP address is and path_key is webhook-test, the URL is Authentication is currently not required.


Access this metadata using the Function Node or using the API, from the snapshot or clip saved downstream of this node.

Metadata PropertyDescription
<node_id>.meta_presentTrue if there is a metadata object present under <node_id>.meta, false otherwise.
<node_id>.metaMetadata received via the HTTP request. For POST requests, JSON body is inserted as is, while for GET requests, URL query parameters are converted into a JSON dictionary.
<node_id>.meta.timestampAdditional timestamp indicating when the request was received, in ISO 3339 format. Present only if meta_present is true.
"nodes": {
  "[node_id]": {
    "node_type": "webhook_receiver",
    "meta_present": true,
    "meta": {
      "door_open": 1,
      "additional_arg": "value",
      "timestamp": "2023-11-15T14:25:26.011620590+00:00"