Occupancy Monitor

Extracts queue, dwell and occupancy information based in how long detected objects have been present in a specified region in the video


The Occupancy Monitor (previously known as Queue Length Counter) node keeps track of the number and how long each detected, tracked object has been present in the specified region in the video, can highlight objects and generate max time alarms, and adds the queue analytics metadata to the frame metadata.

This node generates diverse queue metrics: the total number of objects served, the minimum and maximum queue size, the number of objects that waited on queue more than a pre-specified time (so-called alarms), the minimum, maximum and mean waiting time, etc.

This node requires a AI Model Node and a Track Objects Node before it in order to function properly.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs : 1, Media Format : Raw Video
  • Outputs : 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata : Queue Information


roi_labelsComma separated list of labels for each ROI in the rois list above.

Format: label1, label2

Ex: queue_entrance, queue_store
roisSemicolon separated list of areas in the video within which the node tracks these objects.

If none is specified, the Queue Length Counter tracks objects within the entire frame.

Format: left1,top1,right1,bottom1; left2,top2,right2,bottom2

Ex: 10,10,100,100; 200,200,300,300
objects_to_trackComma separated list of Detected Object labels to track, as specified in Model Labels

ex. car, person

Accepted formats:
object_label: any object of this type, with or without a classifier attribute. Example: car

object_label.class_type: any object of this type that has a specific classifier attribute. Example: car.red

object_label.*: any object of this type that has at least one classifier attribute. Example: car.* (this will match car.red, car.yellow, etc)
min_queue_activation_timeThe minimal time in seconds a object should be present in the queue in order be considered on the analytics.

Ex: 10
presence_thresholdCreates an alarm and shows an orange bounding box around object if present more than these seconds in the ROI

Ex. 60
max_occupancy_thresholdSet a trigger when number of objects in the ROI exceeds, or drops below this threshold

Ex. 10

Output metadata fields:
crossing_bufferThe interval (in seconds) during which an object will not be repeat counted if it leaves and reenters the ROI

Ex. 0.5
display_roiBoolean. If true, ROI info will be drawn on video

Ex. true / false
display_objectsBoolean. If true, Object info (presence duration, as well as highlight when it crosses presence threshold) will be drawn on video

Ex. true / false
persistent_storageBoolean. If true, the following analytics will be stored in disk and restored when the pipeline restarts:


Ex. true / false


Metadata PropertyDescription
nodes.<node_id>Describes the Queue ROIs monitored by this node, and their properties.
Format : as defined in the table below.

<node_id> for Queue Length Nodes is of the form annotate_queueX (ex. annotate_queue1)


"nodes": {
    "annotate_queue1": {
        "type": "annotate_queue",
        "rois": {
            "<roi_label>": {
                "coords": [
                    [468, 172],
                    [597, 307],
                    [912, 206],
                    [1227, 277],
                    [1247, 135],
                    [1054, 91],
                    [946, 121],
                    [797, 87],
                    [645, 104],
                    [468, 172]
                "current_queue_size": 1,                  
                "max_queue_size": 2,
                "max_wait_time": 15,
                "mean_wait_time": 12,
                "min_queue_size": 0,
                "min_wait_time": 5,
                "objects_above_max_occupancy_count": 0,
                "objects_above_max_waiting_time_count": 1,
                "objects_above_max_waiting_time_delta": 0,
                "objects_entered_delta": 0,
                "objects_exited_delta": 1,
                "occupancy_above_max_threshold_delta": false,
                "occupancy_below_max_threshold_delta": false,
                "total_served": 0,
                "wait_alarms": 2,
                "current_objects": {
                    "<object_tracking_id>": {
                        "first_seen": 19.0,
                        "first_seen_utc": "2022-10-21T16:16:06.363395Z",
                        "time_present": 10.0
                "exited_objects": {
                    "<object_tracking_id>": {
                        "first_seen": 13.0,
                        "first_seen_utc": "2022-10-21T16:16:05.072938Z",
                        "time_present": 15.933


<roi_label>Array of dictionariesContains information about this specific ROI
<roi_label>.coordsDictionaryContains the bounding box coordinates that represent this ROI
<roi_label>.total_servedIntegerNumber of objects seen in this ROI since the start of the pipeline
<roi_label>.wait_alarmsIntegerTotal number of wait alarms generated. This counter is incremented every time an object reaches the maximum waiting time defined in the node properties.
<roi_label>.current_queue_sizeIntegerCurrent number objects in queue
<roi_label>.objects_entered_deltaIntegerNumber of objects that entered the ROI between last frame and this frame
<roi_label>.objects_exited_deltaIntegerNumber of objects that left the ROI between last frame and this frame
<roi_label>.objects_above_max_waiting_time_countIntegerNumber of objects currently inside the ROI above the specified temporal threshold
<roi_label>.objects_above_max_waiting_time_deltaIntegerNumber of new objects that exceeded the threshold between the last frame and this frame
<roi_label>.objects_above_max_occupancy_countIntegerNumber of new objects that exceeded the max occupancy threshold
<roi_label>.occupancy_above_max_threshold_deltaBoolTrue when the total number of objects is above the max occupancy threshold
<roi_label>.occupancy_below_max_threshold_deltaBoolTrue when the total number of objects is below the max occupancy threshold
<roi_label>.min_queue_sizeIntegerMinimum number of objects in queue
<roi_label>.max_queue_sizeIntegerMaximum number of objects in queue
<roi_label>.min_wait_timeIntegerThe minimum queue waiting time in seconds
<roi_label>.max_wait_timeIntegerThe maximum queue waiting time in seconds
<roi_label>.mean_wait_timeIntegerThe mean queue waiting time in seconds
<roi_label>.current_objectsArray of dictionariesInformation about the objects currently in the ROI

object_tracking_id : Unique identifier for a specific object, as specified by object.id property (see AI Model Node )

first_seen : Time in seconds (since start of deployment) when the object was first seen in the ROI

first_seen_utc : UTC time in ISO 8601 format when the object was first seen in the ROI

time_present : Time in seconds that the object has been present in the ROI
<roi_label>.exited_objectsArray of dictionariesInformation about the objects that left the ROI in the previous frame

object_tracking_id : Unique identifier for a specific object, as specified by object.id property (see AI Model Node )

first_seen : Time in seconds (since start of deployment) when the object was first seen in the ROI

first_seen_utc : UTC time in ISO 8601 format when the object was first seen in the ROI

time_present : Time in seconds that the object was present in the ROI