Sync and Tile Frames

Synchronize metadata & create video tiles/grids between nodes across one or more deployments on the same Gateway.


The Sync & Tile Frames node synchronizes metadata between nodes across one or more deployments on the same Gateway. It can also be used to create a grid or overlay multiple video streams in one.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs: 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Outputs: 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata: Sync Metadata


sync_keyUnique key to identify this sync group. Key used to synchronize data between Sync nodes in one or more deployments. Must be unique per sync group.stringnullYes
sync_metaMetadata to sync. Options: all (Sync all metadata), objects (Only sync object detection metadata), nodes (Only sync node metadata)enumallYes
sync_nodesComma-separated list of specific nodes to sync. Empty means sync all nodes. ex. node1,node2,node3stringnullNo
sync_pixelsWhether to publish video frame pixels from this node to othersboolfalseNo
preview_modeShow preview for published pixels. Options: null (No preview), thumbnail_right (Show thumbnails on right side), thumbnail_bottom (Show thumbnails on bottom), grid (Show all streams in grid layout)enumnullNo
preview_dimsDimensions for preview thumbnails in width x height format. ex. 640x360string640x360No



    "synced_deployments": {
        "[deploymentid_syncnodeid]": {
            "nodes": {
                "[node_id]": {
                    "[node_property]": "value"
            "objects": [...]


deploymentid_syncnodeidDeployment ID and Sync node ID. Format: deploymentid_syncnodeid ex. 8121-2129-2912-2191_sync1
node_propertyValue of the node property.