Crop and Warp
Crop, warp and rotate video to correct perspective and zoom in.
The Crop & Warp node lets you crop and transform a video.
Inputs & Outputs
- Inputs : 1, Media Format : Raw Video
- Outputs : 1, Media Format: Raw Video
- Output Metadata : None
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required |
roi_labels | Regions of interest labels | hidden | N/A | Yes |
rois | Region to crop. Specify a single ROI with 4 points to crop/warp the image to. Conditional on roi_labels . | polygon | null | Yes |
mode | Mode. Options: disable (Disable transform) crop (Crop to specified ROI without changing the perspective) crop_warp (Crop to specified ROI and straighten the perspective) crop_warp_aspect (Crop to specified ROI and straighten the perspective with aspect awareness) | enum | crop | Yes |
interpolation_mode | Interpolation mode. Options: nearest bilinear bicubic area | enum | bicubic | Yes |
rotate | Rotation angle in degrees. Rotate image after crop/warp by the specified angle. | float | null | No |
rotation_mode | Rotation mode. Options: crop (Rotate and crop to fit) scale (Rotate and scale to fit) | enum | crop | Yes |
This node does not add any new metadata to the frame.
Metadata Property | Description |
None | None |
Updated 6 months ago