Trigger Email alert

Send an e-mail when a trigger condition is met.


The node sends an Email when a trigger condition is met. It can also send a link to live stream, attach a snapshot as well as any Clips saved Locally using Save Clip Node.

Inputs & Outputs

  • Inputs : 1, Media Format : Raw Video
  • Outputs : 1, Media Format: Raw Video
  • Output Metadata : None


triggerSend the Email once this trigger condition is met.

The trigger expression must be a valid Dot-notation expression that operates on Pipeline Metadata and evaluates to True or False. See details here.

ex. nodes.annotate_line_counter1.lines.line1.total_objects_crossed_delta > 0
to_emailComma separated list of email addresses to send to.

Ex. [email protected]
subjectEmail subject. You may use template variables in this field. See below for template variables available.

Ex. Event triggered on {{ source_name }}
bodyEmail body. You may use template variables in this field. See below for template variables available.

If the body starts with <html> will send a HTML email, else will send a plain text email.
include_snapshotAttach a snapshot from the time the trigger happened with the email.
media_nodeIncludes the most recent clip from the named Save Clip Node with the alarm. The node must be configured to store clips locally.
enable_embedded_mediaIf true, enables livestream_node capabilities.
livestream_nodeEnables including the Live stream URL from the named WebRTC node with the email using livestream_url template variable.

Ex. stream_webrtc_out1
lumeo_api_keyAPI Key for this Lumeo application. Required if livestream_node is specified.Find it here: API
use_custom_smtp_serverEnable to use your own/custom SMTP server. Boolean.

Ex. true / false
serverHostname or IP Address of the SMTP Server.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
portPort of the SMTP server.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
use_tlsIf true, a TLS socket will be used for the SMTP session. Your SMTP server must support the STARTTLS SMTP extension to use this.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
from_emailFrom email.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
userSMTP Server user.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
passwordSMTP Server password.

Only used when use_custom_smtp_server is true.
intervalMin time (seconds) between consecutive Email notifications.

Ex. 10
max_media_wait_timeMaximum time to wait after a trigger until a media clip is available from the Save Clip Node.

Ex. 10

Template Syntax

The following Template variables are available to use in Email Subject and Body. The templates can be built using Jinja2 Template Syntax.

Variables available to the template:

metaFrame metadata. Contains keys like nodes, objects, and other custom metadata inserted by Custom function node.
application_idThe application ID of the deployment that produced this metadata.
application_nameThe application name of the deployment that produced this metadata.
deployment_idThe deployment ID of the deployment that produced this metadata.
deployment_nameThe deployment name of the deployment that produced this metadata.
source_nameThe name of the source that produced this metadata.
livestream_urlThe URL of the livestream.

Example templates

Static text content:

Text content

Reference specific metadata:

Person detected on {{ source_name }}. View live stream at {{ livestream_url }}

Metadata reinserted as is:

{{ meta | tojson }}


Metadata PropertyDescription