Developer Quick Start

Follow these steps to design and deploy your first vision solution with Lumeo


This is a Step by step guide to building & deploying your first vision solution using Lumeo. You will do so with 3 key activities :

  • Design a pipeline
  • Provision a Gateway and a Camera or Stream to run the Pipeline
  • Deploy your pipeline to the Gateway and preview or embed output Streams in the browser.

What will you need :

  • A Nvidia family device (Jetson NX, Orin, x86 with DGPU etc.) to run the pipeline. If you don't have one handy, every new Lumeo account comes with a free Trial of a Lumeo Cloud gateway that you can use to run the pipeline.
  • A USB camera or an IP camera to use as an input source. If you don't have one, you can use a RTSP stream or a clip as an input source.
Solution Dashboard

Solution Dashboard

Video Guide

Design your first pipeline : Count People

For this guide, we will start with one of Lumeo's pre-built templates. Head over to Design -> Solutions section and pick the "Entry / Exit People Counting" template. This will drop you into the Pipeline Editor where you can drag and drop nodes to create a pipeline that processes video.

Solution Templates

Solution Templates

You can see that this pipeline contains a series of Nodes which process the video sequentially.
It starts with a Video Source, then runs a People Detection AI Model to detect people, Tracks them, then counts them using the Line Counter and finally outputs an annotated WebRTC and RTSP stream.

People Counting Pipeline

People Counting Pipeline

You can click on the Gear icon on each node to view and change it's properties, and browse through the Node library on the right.

Setup a Gateway by installing Lumeo on it

Use Lumeo Cloud Gateway

Now head over to the Deploy -> Gateways page. Gateways are servers or devices that run the Pipeline. Every new Lumeo account comes with a Cloud gateway Trial which we will use for this Guide.


Lumeo Cloud Trial Gateway Limits

Note that trial gateways are limited to a 3 hour runtime, after which they will automatically stop. You can restart them anytime from the Console.

Create a Lumeo Cloud Gateway by clicking Add Gateway -> Start trial cloud gateway. This will set you up with a Lumeo Cloud Gateway in your account.

Start a trial cloud gateway

Start a trial cloud gateway

Lumeo Gateways in your workspace.

Lumeo Gateways in your workspace.

Setup your own Gateway

However, if you have another Nvidia device handy that you'd like to use (ex. Jetson NX, AGX, Orin, or x86 server with Nvidia DGPU) you can do so.


Gateway Limit on Free accounts

Free accounts are limited to 1 gateway per Workspace, so you will need to delete the Trial gateway setup in your account before you can add a new one. To do so, click on the Gateway name and then the Delete button.

Then click Add Gateway in the top right corner to add a new one. This will show you the installer instructions that you must run on your gateway device (Nvidia enabled devices only for now). Run the installer on the device and return back to the Console when done.

If you have a Lumeo-ready Gateway device, you can set it up following instructions under Lumeo-Ready Gateways instead.

Add new Gateway Dialog

Add new Gateway Dialog


Installer Tips

  • When the installer asks you if you want to set the device up as a new gateway, answer y
  • When the installer asks you to login to Lumeo, use the same credentials you use to login to the Console
  • If you plan to use USB cameras with Lumeo, ensure they are plugged in before running the installer.
$bash <(wget -qO-

Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.1’.

    ██▀              ▄▄█▄▄   ██▄
   ▐█▌              █    ██▌  ██▌
   ██▌              █▄  ▄███   ██
   ▀█▌              ▀████▄█▀  ▐██
    ███               ▀▀▀▀    ██▀
             ███▌ ▐███

Lumeo Gateway Installer

Release (Hit enter to install 0.1.18):

Downloading Lumeo Gateway Installer..
lumeod-0.1.18-in 100%[=======>]   7.57M  48.4MB/s    in 0.2s

Installing binaries & dependencies..
[sudo] password for pi:

Verifying archive integrity...  100%   MD5 checksums are OK. All good.
Uncompressing Lumeod 0.1.18 AARCH64 Linux Installer  100%

gst-plugins-lume 100%[=======>]   1.31M  --.-KB/s    in 0.08s
gst-video-analyt 100%[=======>] 820.50K   932KB/s    in 0.9s
lumeopipeline_1. 100%[=======>]  10.08K  --.-KB/s    in 0s

Provisioning (optional)
Set up as a new Gateway ? (y/n)
Application ID (from Console):

Logging into Lumeo, use your Console email & password.
Password: [hidden]

Device successfully linked to application. Device ID: e7299979-95de-426f-81b7-2326020523f5
Starting services...
● lumeod.service - Lumeo Gateway Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/lumeod.service; enabled; v
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-11-11 07:37:22 PST; 45
 Main PID: 28618 (lumeod)
    Tasks: 3 (limit: 4183)
   CGroup: /system.slice/lumeod.service
           └─28618 /usr/bin/lumeod run --non-interactive

Nov 11 07:37:22 lumeojetson-redmaple.local systemd[1]: Stopped Lu
Nov 11 07:37:22 lumeojetson-redmaple.local systemd[1]: Started Lu
Nov 11 07:37:22 lumeojetson-redmaple.local lumeod[28618]: Checkin
Nov 11 07:37:22 lumeojetson-redmaple.local lumeod[28618]: Checkin

Once the installer succeeds, refresh the Gateways page, and you should see the Gateway device listed there.

Discover and link IP or USB cameras using the Gateway

Next, head on over to Gateways --> Gateway name page, and click Add Camera. If you have any IP cameras on the network or USB cameras connected to the Gateway device, they will show up on the Add Camera page. You may have to wait for a few seconds for the Discovery to complete.

If you don't have either, or if your cameras don't show up under in this list, head on to the next step and setup a public stream to test your Pipeline.

Note that Lumeo Cloud Gateways do not have any discoverable cameras.

Gateway detail -> Add Camera button

Gateway detail -> Add Camera button

Cameras discovered by the Gateway

Cameras discovered by the Gateway

You can now click the "Link" button to link the Camera(s) to the Gateway.

(or) Configure a publicly available Stream

Alternatively, you can create a public stream to use as an input. Here are some sample streams you can use :

To do that, head over to Streams page, and create a new Stream with that URL.

Create a new Stream

Create a new Stream


Using RTSP Streams


You can configure a RTSP stream, a file or a HLS stream using its URL. The key thing to note when using the Lumeo Cloud Gateway is that this stream needs to be accessible over the public internet.

In practice, if you are using on-prem Gateways, then you can use locally accessible stream URLs and they will work great.

URL Format

If you need help finding the RTSP URL for your camera, here's a handy guide / list :


Ensure that Stream credentials are correct if it is password protected. Streams with incorrect credentials will fail to generate a preview (as seen below) and generate events under Monitor -> Events page.

Stream snapshot

Stream snapshot

Deploy your Pipeline to the Gateway

Now that you have a Gateway and a video source setup, it's time to deploy your first pipeline to the gateway and run it. Head over to Pipelines -> Pipeline name -> Edit Pipeline and click the Deploy -> New Deployment button to create a new deployment.

You can also deploy a PIpeline from the Stream detail page

On the deployment dialog, select the Gateway, the camera or stream you created in the previous steps as the Video source, set the line position and hit Deploy.

Deploying a Pipeline

Deploying a Pipeline

This now takes you to the Deployment detail page which:

  • Lets you start and stop the Deployment
  • Lists the output stream that was created by the pipeline
  • Shows you the Configuration of the pipeline
  • Shows events and logs generate by the deployment

First time you deploy a pipeline, Lumeo will download the model and the pipeline to the Gateway and optimize it. This takes a few minutes. Once this step is complete, the Deployment will change state to Running.

Deployment details

Deployment details

View the output Streams in the Console

Click on the play button to view the output WebRTC Stream in the Console. You can also copy it's URL and get the Embed code.

  • The WebRTC stream URL can be used to view this stream publicly from any browser
View WebRTC output streams in Console

View WebRTC output streams in Console

Update the Pipeline and Redeploy

Now that you have successfully created and deployed a pipeline, let's walk through updating it.

Head back to the pipeline, and add a Save Clip Nodeto it. This will let us capture clips in addition to live streaming the pipeline. Connect it to the Encode node. Your pipeline should now look like below:

Update pipeline to add a Save Clip node

Update pipeline to add a Save Clip node

Next click on the arrow next to the Deploy button and select Update Deployments.

Update Deployments Menu

Update Deployments Menu

In the Update Deployment dialog, select the previously created deployment, and hit Deploy. This will update it with the change we made by adding a Save Clip node.

View the output Clips

Once the updated deployment finishes running, you can find the output clip under the Output Files tab.