AI Model by Roboflow

Run a Roboflow AI Model inference on input frames, and add detected objects to metadata.


The AI Model by Roboflow node allows for running a Roboflow AI Model inference on input frames, and adds detected objects to metadata. This functionality is useful for applications requiring object detection and recognition.


model_idModel alias or ID from Roboflow. Typical format is {project_id}/{version}.stringnullYes
roboflow_api_keyRoboflow Private API Key (for inference) can be found at Account -> Settings -> Workspace -> Roboflow API in your Roboflow account.stringnullYes
intervalInfer on every nth frame. 1 means infer every frame.number1Yes
confidence_thresholdEnable to override the default minimum inference threshold for all classes. Slider min: 0, max: 1.0, step: 0.1.slider-optional0.5No
iou_thresholdIncrease the threshold to reduce potential duplicate detections of a single object. Slider min: 0, max: 1.0, step: 0.1.slider-optional0.5No
min_object_sizeMinimum object size, e.g., width x height.stringnullNo